#Rosetta stone reviews german software
If you are looking for a software based course then Transparent Russian is just as good, if not better than Rosetta Stone and with a much lower price tag. At almost three times the price of the Transparent Russian course it will be simply too expensive for many students. Overall Rosetta Stone Russian is not a bad course but by itself it will not bring you to anywhere near conversational fluency. If you like having content translated then you will not enjoy the Rosetta Stone system and should look at alternative options. Try watching Russian movies, reading Russian books and newspapers and if possible find a native Russian speaker to converse with. Also the more immersive you can make your learning experience the better. If you like this styles of teaching then Rosetta Stone might be for you. Rosetta Stone uses an immersive approach to teaching with all of the material in Russian. You might also want to pick up a Russian dictionary and have a notebook in your work area as these will make a significant difference to the progress that you make. If you do decide to invest in Rosetta Stone Russian it is a good idea to purchase a good quality Russian Grammar textbook such as Quickstudy Russian Grammar which costs less than $6. Pricey ($299 USD for all levels including online learning for 12 months).Uses immersion method that teaches you in Russian, and not in English.This is disappointing for a company as big as Rosetta Stone. Customer support is often slow to reply to queries and sometimes unhelpful. Customer support issues - Many people who have had problems with their purchase report that they have had customer support issues.It is easy to misunderstand what the image being displayed actually is. Images can be confusing - The fact that there is no translation means that at times Rosetta Stone can be frustratingly confusing.The same sentences and words often reappear, so once you have these memorized the course quickly becomes unchallenging and it is easy to lose interest.

Not challenging - Compared to a course like Pimsleur Russian, Rosetta Stone Russian is unchallenging.While many people do not enjoy learning grammar it is still an essential part of language learning for intermediate and advanced students. This course could also be improved by a more systemized approaching to teaching the languages grammar.

This means that you learn in the organic a native language speaker or new migrant to Russia would.